Wednesday, 19 October 2016


OMG!!! I have not posted in AGES!!!!

Well, I have not been on MSP for AGES!!!!

Anyway, I'm back now.

I'm now OBSESSED with Undertale...

And I have a new backup account!

It's LoloDarling101 and it's only level 5 right now.

Sunday, 16 March 2014

ill :(

Hello, people! As the title says, I'm feeling quite ill. I have a little cold; I feel slightly light-headed, my nose is very runny and I just can't stop sneezing. I am alright, but it's so annoying when I have to sneeze, because no-one knows when they will sneeze and I am never prepared for it!!

Need to go now.


Thursday, 13 March 2014

1 Million fame!!!

Guess what? I have 1 million fame now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so happy!!!!

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

New Levels!!!

Sorry for not mentioning earlier, but, as you might know, we have new levels on MSP!!!

I was Level 13, then I was...

LEVEL 17!!!!!

But... after about a few weeks, I levelled up to LEVEL 18!!!!!
Here's proof!
I have more fame than that now, by the way.

Saturday, 4 January 2014

Level 13!

Guess what? I'M LEVEL 13!!!!!!!!! Thnx to everyone for helping! Been on Level 12 since April 2013, and now i'm level 13! Thnx to a Fame booster and Livelylove (my newest back-up account) my day has been the best since levelling up last!

Here is a song to show u how I feel!

I'm soooooooo happy!!!

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

A massive new year post!

Hello, MSPers! Happy new year to everybody reading this now. Anyway, look how close I am to Level 13!

Not much at all! Also, which do u prefer?

Anyway, I am now a VIP. I am Elite VIP for 3 months, actually!

scroll down a bit

a little more

a tiny bit more

OMG! I cant believe u fell for it! Now you have to give me an auto on MSP!

Plz help me to Level 13! Thnx, I will be posting more stuff later. Bye!

Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Next Stop, Level 13!

Hey guys! Sorry for not posting! Anyway, look at how close I am to Level 13!

This is the amount of Fame I had yesterday, by the way.